Terms & Conditions


Clara Guinez
BP 1086
98845 Nouméa Cédex
+687 91 67 36


This site is hosted by the company HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTD, whose head office is located at 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus, which can be reached by the following means: https://www.hostinger.fr/contact.


This website was created by ClaraDev.


This website and the apps featured in the Portfolio have been designed by ClaraDev, sometimes using and transforming images designed by Freepik and Pixabay. The artists are mentioned the PlayStore pages of each application.

Terms of Use

Any person who accesses the claradev.org site (hereinafter the “Site”) undertakes to respect these conditions of use, which may for certain services be supplemented by special conditions. Data distributed on the internet and extranet may be regulated in terms of use or protected by property rights. Everyone is responsible for the data they distribute, use and/or transfer and as such undertakes to respect the French regulations in force, in particular those relating to manifestly illicit content (pedophilia, incitement to racial hatred, etc.). or the protection of the rights of third parties (intellectual property rights, etc.). The publisher is not responsible for the use of data, content distributed or the services of another person and who, in particular, does not comply with the regulations in force. The data, including its content, the tools attached to it, the downloadable documents, the iconographic and photographic representations, and the commercial brands present on the Site, are protected by intellectual property rights. Any reproduction or representation, even partial, of the aforementioned elements, for purposes other than private use, on any medium, is prohibited and could give rise to civil and criminal liability for the person who does not respect this prohibition.

Privacy Policy

Here is our privacy policy to give you more information on how we process your personal data.

1- Personal Data

This document helps you understand what personal information we collect about you, how we collect it, what purposes we use it for and the rights you have regarding your personal data. When you write a message via our contact form, we collect and process personal data about you. This is only data that you have freely and deliberately communicated to us. No other data is collected. People who have provided information via our contact form have the following rights:
• the right to rectification: the person can at any time request the correction of erroneous data.
• the right to object: the person can request the deletion of existing data at any time.

2- The objectives of collecting your data: Preparing the creation of your website

The data collected is only used for the purpose of developing your website. This objective respects the rights and freedoms of individuals. They limit the way in which the controller can use or reuse this data in the future. We undertake to never disclose, sell or lend your data. They belong to you and we only use them for the time it takes to create your website.

Data relevance
Only the data strictly necessary to achieve the objective will be collected: this is the principle of minimizing collection. The data controller will not collect more data than it really needs. He must also pay attention to the sensitive nature of certain data. If we ask you for information about your company or activity, it is only to use it for the creation of your website.

Limiting data retention
Your personal data will be kept only for the time necessary to achieve the objective that was pursued when they were collected. Upon simple request from you, we can delete your data immediately.

3- Contact

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and should be addressed at clara-dev@outlook.fr.
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